Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Anna at 3 months

Anna turned 3 months old yesterday. She is growing too fast for me! Here is her birth announcement I sent out:
She is such a sweet, pretty easy baby. She has finally started eating every 2-3 hours (as opposed to 1.5 hours)! This is a welcome change for me! She only cat naps throughout the day and still isn't on a good nap schedule. She normally likes to take a morning nap, then another mid-afternoon nap. That's usually it until about 7, 7:30 when she and I snuggle in the chair when the other kids are in bed and she usually eats and goes right to sleep till about 9. She'll wake up to eat again, but go right back to sleep for the night. She's getting up about 3-4 times a night, not sure why this is getting worse than the 2 times she was getting up. I'm trying to give her her paci instead of feeding her, but she usually isn't happy about that. The silver lining is that she eats pretty quick and goes right back to sleep. Sometimes, she will sleep in in the mornings till 9am. 

She is starting to play and notice her toys more. Her favorites are her pink poodle and her lamb that I've attached to her car seat. I will hear her playing with them while we're driving. She loves to have the poodle on her belly when it shakes. She literally laughs out loud. I've also discovered she's very ticklish on the left side of her chin. She cracks up when I kiss her there or tickle her. She loves when we talk to her, especially Presley or David. I think her and David will be very close- he just adores her and kisses all over her!

She loves to hold her hands and suck on all her fingers. She will cover herself in slobber from sucking on her chunky little wrists. She is now wearing 3 month clothes, but some 6 months fit her pretty nicely, too and she's just moved in size 2 diapers. I haven't been giving her bottles lately cause it's just more work than I have time for. I know I will pay for this later when I need her to take one and I hope to get her used to them again.  We tried out the bumbo the other day and she did pretty well. 
Of course, little brother had to try it out, too!

1 comment:

Ashley and Matt Sheehan said...

precious! getting way too big!!!!