Thursday, April 8, 2010

Super Chatty

I cannot believe that my baby is going to be 1 in two weeks! She is growing up so quickly and she really has changed a lot these past few months. She took a few steps without holding on to anyone last weekend!! She will definitely be walking soon. Her vocabulary is growing by the day! She can now say: fish, night night, dadda (her favorite word), mama, hi, bye, apple, dog dog, ball ball, uh-oh, and wow. I think wow is my favorite! She repeats so much of what we and her friends do. If you can't tell, I am loving being with her everyday and watching her grow. Here she is showing off her new words:

I always knew girls talked more than boys, I guess I didn't realize how young this starts. Presley talks a lot... in the middle of the night, first thing in the morning, pretty much all day. Guess she's got a lot to say!


Elaina said...

She has waaaay more word in her vocab than Carter. His pretty much stops after mama, dada, ball, and dog! HAHA! They are growing up too fast.

Ashley and Matt Sheehan said...

Please teach her the word DEEEET. It would make Mia oh so happy. In all seriousness, this was a wonderfully amusing video. She is so so chatty. Also, she needs to teach Mia how to walk. That's all, thank you :) We heart motrin over here too Pres

Kerry Hegele said...

That is amazing! Way to go Presley, I hope Caroline can learn some words from her!

Lea Smith said...

She's so smart! I love hearing her talk. (You forgot Puff Puff!)

Can't wait to see her!!!!!!

Lindsey Henig said...

Yea for my big girl!!! She is just growing TOO fast!!!