Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Our first pic!

We had our first ultrasound Monday and here's the picture!! We got to see and hear the heartbeat, which was awesome! Next Dr. appointment is Sept. 23 and we will hopefully get another ultrasound since it'll be with a new doctor, but we'll see for sure. My due date is April 25.


Anonymous said...

yeah!! a baby blog!! dal and i are so happy for you two. this baby ( does HE have an official womb name?) is so lucky to have such wonderful parents. enjoy this time and the quiet house cause everything changes in april!!love, mallie and dallie
ps. i am thinking boy, but a little girl would be just as wonderful:)

Emily said...

Welcome to blogspot Cuatro!! Your cousin Liam is so excited to meet and play with you this Spring. Tell your mommy she needs to post the belly pic...or the non-exsistent belly pic. In about 9 months she will look back on that belly fondly! Either she posts it or I will this weekend! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!! Love, Nick, Emmy and Liam

Anonymous said...

If you name him Quatro Double Down Smith I will forfeit my fight for the family poker table.

Mal is looking for Elvis... so it may have to be Quatro Elvis Double Down Smith to get the table.

-Nicky B

Amelia and Adam said...

Nicky, I love you and all, but simply by misspelling "Cuatro", especially when it is written in the previous post disqualifies you from the running for the poker table.. I'm sorry... just kidding, but really nicky b, what would your mom say... heh
Now DD, this is your CRAZZY Aunt Milla speaking. I love you already and can't wait to meet you and rub your mommy's belly. You came at just the right time, Auburn's football season has just begun, which means Daddy will actually spend quality time with you come April. Good timing DD!
Ok DD that's all I got for you now, but I wanted to introduce myself. Can't wait to watch you grow from the peanut (or blueberry you are now) to a big BOY! (that's right CAMMY I said Boy!!)
Love you guys,
Aunt Milla

Anonymous said...

I don't know what all you people are talking about with this BOY business. Caitlin needs a girl to have tea parties with! Sorry Cameron! Can't wait to watch baby and mama grow!! Love you guys!
Liz, Justin and Caitlin

Anonymous said...

I'm SO HAPPY!!! You guys are going to be the most wonderful parents! I love you both and can't wait to see more pics and hear the updates. April will come sooner than we know ~ I CAN'T WAIT ~ YAY :)!!
~Carey xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Hello's your G. You are the sie of a kidney bean this week and you've stolen my heart. I wake up thinking about you and all the fun we'll have.
Big D says he'll be 75 when we go to Vegas for your 21st traditions!
Love you,

Big D said...

It's still hard to imagine someone calling Cameron "Daddy"! I know you'll both be great parents and wish we could be there to share all those special moments.