Mallie and Dallie took Bryn and Pres to a Cinderella play downtown one weekend. The girls loved getting dressed up for the event and loved the play. Such a cool thing for them to do.
Snuggling with Dada
Presley is so good with Fox. He lights up when she talks to him.
This big girl loves having her own picnic table to sit at.
G came in town to celebrate Anna's Second Birthday
We had a Doc McStuffins themed party and Anna had a great time. She loved her party games and opening presents, but her favorite was her brownie dessert.

I can't believe my BABY is now 2! I really don't know where the time goes. It seems like just yesterday she was sleeping in the pack and play in our house in Colorado as a newborn and now she's so big. She is such a funny child, I get so much joy being around her everyday. She loves to eat- but doesn't eat everything like the others. She has her certain favorites which include tacos (meat and cheese), tortillas, tortilla chips, string cheese, any fruit, cheerios, any form of spaghetti, squash and zucchinni, brussel sprouts, fresh green beans. She's quite a talker and puts together some very impressive sentences. She loves to watch TV and movies and truly thinks she is five. She thinks she can do anything Presley and David do. She still naps once a day for 1-2 hours. She ready The Very Busy Spider before naps and bedtime at night. She also reminds me when I tell her it's time for nap or bed that she just woke up. She thinks she's hilarious and thinks it's funny to talk in baby talk and say goo goo ga ga. She sleeps with a blanket and pillow, but usually ends up with her whole body on top of the pillow. She loves to play with anything really. She will play dolls and barbies with Presley, then trucks and cars with David. She loves using Big Girl toothpaste and riding front facing (we just turned her) in her Big Girl car seat. She still loves her mama a whole lot and gives the best hugs. She is a very smart kid. She can count to 20 and randomly names letters. Her speech continues to blow me away. She is the best addition to our family and makes our days so fun!

Big kids giving check-ups to their stuffed animals.
Her taco birthday dinner
Snuggling with her G
Loved her brownies and candle
I am so glad they have each other! Sweet sisters
She also potty trained on her birthday and did GREAT! She just clicked with it right away. We have ventured out of the house much quicker than we ever would have imagined before.
I am so proud of her!
These two were so supportive to each other while potty training together. They would cheer for each other and read books together on the potty. Definitely helped make potty training more enjoyable to be in it together!
My beautiful girls trying on their flower girl dresses for Rachel's wedding
On her real birthday that Tuesday, she got some more brownie dessert and spaghetti dinner, a close second favorite meal.
She requested a candle in her brownie again.
Big boy!
For Mother's Day, we told my mom we would do a big family picture and print it out for her since we were all going to be together this summer. My friend, Ashley, took the pictures for us and it turned out better than I could have imagined! 17 people all in one picture, looking at the camera, smiling and with a beautiful background. I'm so pleased! We also managed to get individual family pictures. I love how it turned out.
Dallie took Cameron and David with him to work one afternoon to show David all his construction toys. David was in heaven. He loves anything construction and played in Dallie's office for a while. He even impressed some of Dal's co-workers with his construction truck knowledge. He can name most vehicles we see on a construction site. Dallie brought him a new construction magazine home and he is in heaven- reads it every night.
Loaded up on the way home with some prizes
They all watched him eat that night.
Presley got to go on a shopping spree with G and she had a ball! She is definitely a girls girl. She loves shopping, accessories, clothes... all of it!
This sweet boy
Precious curly-haired girl
We took G out to Mi Cocina for her last night in town. It was a crazy, busy visit between swim lessons daily and potty training, but I'm so glad she came out to celebrate Anna's birthday with us. We are excited to be close to all our Alabama family again soon!!
'Nuggling with Mal Mal
Presley and Bryn got to go on a special date with Uncle Nick shopping and to the movies. He always does a great job of making the girls feel special and giving them some one on one time. He's a great godfather to Pres!
The girls had a great time!!
We went to Barnes and Noble and David immediately was drawn back in to the train table. It made me a little nostalgic cause I used to take him and Anna here all the time in Colorado to play while Pres was at preschool.
Enjoying a carousel ride
Playing ipad with Nora
We are still here and having a great time. So grateful my kids get to experience so many cool things and still be close to family even though we don't live near one another.