Saturday, May 16, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

I had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! I got to celebrate early that Friday at Presley's classroom Tea. She was excited all week for our tea and all the activities we could do together. They had a cookie decorating station, nail painting station, or make a necklace. First, we made cookies.
Then, David made me a bracelet and Presley made me a necklace. They are both so cute and they worked so hard on them.
My sweet girl!! I couldn't be more proud of the little girl she is. Love her so much!
Anna realized she was not in the picture and that just wouldn't do...
Her class danced to a mom song that was precious. Presley did a great job!
One of Anna's best friends, Heidi.
Sunday morning, Cameron let me sleep in, which was such a treat!! Then, we got dressed for church.
David took some of me and the girls.
Crazy hair Anna bug
We had a great, relaxing rest of the day. Cameron made me a delicious dinner and took care of all the daily chores that day for me.
The next week we've been getting ready for the move. Trying to purge a few things and put aside what we want to take with us. These kids can eat fruit faster than I keep it in the house! They love raspberries right now.
So blessed to be the mommy to these three babies! The time is flying by, but I cherish this blog and all the memories we have made as a family. I can't imagine life without Cameron and our children. I love them so much and am so blessed for each of them and their good health!

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