Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Anna at 6 Months

Anna turned 6 months old on Monday. I honestly don't know where the time has gone. She has grown up so quickly. I can't believe it! She is developing quite a precious personality! She loves playing with her toys, chewing on everything, getting any type of attention from David or Presley. She's just started bouncing/jumping in the jumperoo.  We've started rice cereal, but no other solids so we'll be introducing those soon. Today at her checkup, she is 25.2", 15lbs, 7oz and 42.5 for head circumference. Her stats are on a good curve and she's growing well. She's hitting all her milestones, except rolling back to front. I think there's just a little too much in the middle to allow her to roll, but we'll get there. She is babbling a lot!  She loves her crib and new room, all to herself! She is sleeping great- taking 2 1-1.5 hour naps a day in her crib and only waking twice through the night to eat, usually around midnight and 4am. I'm so glad she's finally on a good nighttime routine. It took us a while to get there, but I can handle getting up twice a night much better than seven times a night!
 She still gets rocked to sleep for every nap and bedtime. Presley and David both quit letting me rock them around 8 months, so I know the end of our snuggle time will be here soon. I'm savoring these moments when she just falls asleep in my arms so sweetly!
 We are re-introducing the bottle. It's not going very well... this picture is deceiving, but I actually had water in it here just to try to let her play and get comfortable with it after she pitched a fit the day before when I had milk in it. Hopefully, we'll get her back on the bottle soon!
 Sweet picture before heading to Daddy's FRG Christmas party!
 Not the most flattering pictures, but she was cracking all of us up the other night during dinner when she was blowing bubbles. 
We love you so much, Anna!! 

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