Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Anna at 4 months

Anna is 13lbs, 6oz (37%), 24.2" long (44%) and 40.75cm head circumference (40%), She got four shots yesterday and was pitiful after that. She has a low fever today, but should be better by tonight. She is growing up so fast.  She usually naps once in the morning around 9 or 10am for 30 minutes, again after lunch around 12, 12:30 for about 30-45 minutes (longer if I hold her) and again around 5pm. I usually put her in her bed for all naps except her lunchtime one. She'll start in the crib and usually wake after 30 minutes. She'll go back to sleep downstairs rocking. She's eating every 2 hours and not doing too much better through the night.  One night last week she was up every hour! Not hungry, just ready to play for some reason. Usually, she'll go down for the night around 7pm, eat at 9, sleep till 11 or sometimes later. She's up for the day anywhere from 7-8am. Hopefully, she'll start eating less at night soon!  She has stranger anxiety already, like all our kids have at a young age. She really just loves her mommy too much! She did let Grandmom hold her for a while when they were in town, though. She still refuses a bottle, which is my fault. I haven't even tried to give her one at all this month. She is still sleeping in our room, which is also why I think she wakes up so much. But, I'm not ready to move David out of his crib and room yet. Eventually, he and Presley will share a room with the twin beds, but we have such a good arrangement with them sleeping right now, I'm not ready to mess that up. And, David really still needs to be in the crib. We'll see how long we can go with this arrangement...

She manages to find her thumb despite my best efforts to keep it out of her mouth. I bought this outfit for David when we lived in Georgia. I think she looks a lot like him in this picture.
She still loves to stretch out on the floor and grab her feet.
 she also loves sitting up on the couch and eating sophie.
 David loves to help with Anna. He points out birds, trucks, motorcycles and anything else we see while driving in the car to her. He also fills her car seat with all her toys when I get her buckled in to leave anywhere. 
 And she rarely does tummy time alone...
 All bundled up to go to the zoo with Julie and Sammy one morning.
We love you so much, Anna! You are growing up so quickly! You are such a sweet, happy baby!

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