Monday, April 16, 2012

David at 5.5 months

We haven't been back to the doctor sine 4 months, but I can tell this boy is growing!! He is trying to nurse every hour and a half.  I started rice cereal and some veggies last week to try to help fill up his belly. He didn't love the rice cereal, but he's coming around. So far, sweet potatoes have been the best tasting!  He's doing pretty well with the food so far. 

He is such a funny baby! He still LOVES his mommy and is pretty clingy to me. If I put him in his chair while I cook, he's not too happy and will cry until I pick him up. He doesn't nap much during the day, but is doing great at night. He still wakes up but it's only once to eat- sometimes at 2:30am, sometimes 5:30am, just depends. He's a great traveler!! We have gone on several trips in the car and he'll talk to Presley or try to sing with her while we drive. We went to storytime last week and he loves the singing... he tried to sing and coo the whole time. It was precious!! He loves his sister!! She entertains him all day. He will stare at her and just watch her. She is so good with him- hands him toys, talks to him, makes him laugh, you name it. He is officially rolling over tummy to back and almost figured out how to get from back to tummy. He is really strong! His legs can push off and kick so hard. He can't really sit in the bumbo unless he's eating cause he will throw himself backward and flip it. He almost flipped out of the swing the other day... I mean, seriously! I'm a little worried for when he is fully mobile.  I have packed up lots of his baby clothes and baby toys already. He is in 6-9 month outfits. We go through 3 bibs a day and usually at least one outfit change. He is still such a drooler and it just goes everywhere. Not sure when his first tooth will pop through, but he's definitely teething hard. He loves to chew on his frozen blue hand and his keys. Presley even knows those are his favorites.  He loves being outside and riding front facing in the jogger while I run. We've been doing a stroller exercise class Tuesdays while Pres is at school and he's so good the whole hour! He LOVES to eat his toes!! This kid can put both toes in his mouth at the same time... below is an action shot.  He can sit up pretty well, but not completely on his own yet.  I love you so much, baby David!!  You make me so happy- I love watching you learn so many new things right now. 

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