Thursday, March 10, 2011


Presley has had some funny sayings the past few weeks. I wanted to remember these so here they are:

Me- What do you want for your birthday?
Pres- Pizza!
Me- Ok, what else?
Pres- And... birthday cake!
Me- What kind, chocolate or vanilla?
Pres- Vanilla!
Me- What do you want for your presents?
Pres- A Sucker
Me- Ok, what else
Pres- Hmm, let me think what else (complete with finger to her chin thinking)

Prayers at Night:
Now I sleep, Pray the Lord, Now I sleep... Amen
Who do you want to pray for? she'll list various members of the family, usually hitting everybody. Lately, Santa, Bear, Hairbow and Min Mouse get shout-outs

My favorite phrase she says: I hold you (when she wants to be picked up).

She'll brush Cameron's hair and say "Oh, soooo pretty." She was reading her picture Bible and asked who the baby was. I told her Baby Jesus. She replies "Oh, he's so cute."

We had our first playdate here with some new friends today. We dyed Easter eggs and played outside. We started going to the storytime on base and she has really enjoyed it. They have 2 computers she likes to play the Dora game on and she does a craft after the stories and songs. Here's some recent pictures:

Playing with one of my best friends' son, Pollard.

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