Monday, December 7, 2015

November and Thanksgiving 2015

We continued to play with David's birthday presents well into November.
 And enjoyed playing in many rain puddles
 The queen and her doughnut holes one morning
 I took these two to the mall one day when I was looking for a dress. They loved this new play area.
 We went to our friend's lakehouse one Friday night in Alabama. David and Presley loved fishing before dinner. 
 They had a fun slumber party with our friends from college and their kids. It's been really fun to see all our old friends and get our kids together.
 The next morning we drove to Auburn for the AU vs. UGA game and tailgating.
Here is David with Cameron's fraternity brothers (Scott Wearren and Thomas Gibbs) little boys.
 David and Landon Gibbs have a great time playing football before the games.
 Silly man before church
I love watching these two together. He enjoys being the "older" sibling to her  and she loves playing silly games with him.
 Anna and I joined Presley at her Thanksgiving Feast at school. 
 David loves science day at school. He always shows me their experiments when I pick him up.
 He was decked out and ready for Thanksgiving!
 This picture reminds me of one of Cameron when he was little marching around his house with the American Flag. David was marching with the flag like the band does before they sing the National Anthem at football games. He then had us all put our hands over our heart and sing with him. 
 G asked Presley to send some grocery ideas for her to have at her house when we went for Thanksgiving. Presley didn't have much trouble coming up with a list of snacks...
 We've started telling our nighttime stories together, instead of Anna getting her own. Anna climbs into bed with Presley or David and LOVES the big beds.  She snuggled up to Presley and says "I stay here forever."
 Doing some exercises with mommy
 We went to lunch at Presley's school one day. It was her best friend, Tinsley's, last day so she had lunch with us. I know Presley misses her a lot. Military kids are so tough! They endure a lot and always keep going and moving on to the next adventure. I am so grateful these sweet kids and their ability to persevere through anything we throw at them.
 Cameron and I got to attend the Military Birthday Ball one night. It was a fun night out, and we are so grateful for finding a good sitter here! 
 We had some friends over one night. Looking back on this picture reminds me of why I love living on post. We were grilling out one night and ended up having friends walk over. Before I knew it, we had 6 families and 17 kids at our house playing. It was a mess, but I loved it. It is so fun to have new friends and quality friendships forming in our new location. I am so grateful our kids have made some good friends, too. 
 Watching a movie in our room
 I took some pictures of our kids at an attempt at Christmas cards. We went near the pond on post. They started out really cute, then a deer ran out from the woods right behind me across the sidewalk. After that, they kept looking in the woods to find the deer and look for more... so pictures weren't happening. The first few turned out really cute, though.
Silly faces
 Throwing some leaves
This is after the deer
 Presley had the whole week of Thanksgiving off school. We went to Barnes and Noble one day with some friends to play. Then, took some pictures in front of the giant Christmas tree.
 We went to Birmingham on Wednesday when Cameron got off work. Unfortunately, Presley had a fever that whole day. Thankfully, she felt better by Thanksgiving Day. G tells them all stories before bed when she's in town and they just giggle, sing and have a great time.
 Watching the parade, when the Red Power Ranger came up and David put on the mask.
 Cousin Piano Playing
 So precious
 Playing in the giant leaf battle while the guys cooked the turkey
 Sweet brother pushing sister on the scooter
 Snuggling with  Daddy
 The day after Thanksgiving we went to see The Good Dinosaur with G
 Saturday, we drove to Auburn for the Iron Bowl. Our tailgate was right in front of the SEC Network Broadcast. The kids had fun watching the cheerleaders and Aubie right in front of the stage.
 They collected lots of Auburn goodies that day
 It was fun to be able to hang out with Rachel and Lee and tailgate before the game.
 The kids made posters to hold up for the broadcast.
 I got to meet up with one of my best friends, Lindsey, before the game. 
 Last game of the season was a lot of fun with the kids. It is so fun sharing the games and love of Auburn with them. 
 So glad they have each other.
 The next day we decorated for Christmas. The kids look forward to this day every year, especially Pres.
 We watched our friend's 8 week old one day when she had an appointment. I was a little worried about having a fourth child for a few hours, but we all survived and had a nice time together! The kids were so cute watching his every move! They were very attentive and great babysitters.
 Snuggling for storytime.
 My big girl! Modeling her new shirt from G and D.
 My exercise partner at our stroller fitness class helping me plank.
 Browsing toys at the PX.
 Meeting Santa. They all did so great, no tears
 Handsome man wore his daddy's old sweater to meet Santa.
 Playing outside with daddy
 Presley at her investiture Girl Scout ceremony. Receiving a daisy from her leader.
 Her troop
 Cameron went to DC for a week for business. He got to do some sightseeing after they arrived. 
They got to tour the room where the US declared war in 1941, beginning our involvement in World War II. Very cool, especially since today is the Anniversary of the attack at Pear Harbor.
Meanwhile, at home...
 Tricep dips with mommy
 David works out

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