Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2 months old and the circus

In reality, baby David is almost 3 months old already! Where does the time go?  He is doing so well. He is still sleeping 5-6 hour stretches at night, eating every 2 hours during the day, taking a bottle well when we give him one (trying to give him one every 2-3 days) and starting to play. He can kick and push off of people really well and is getting good control of his head.  He still goes through 18 diapers a day, no joke!  He's such a happy boy! He follows our faces now and smiles back when we talk or smile to him. It's so sweet! I love that he's starting to respond back to us. He LOVES to watch Presley and loves when she talks to him.  I feed him every night at 9:30 for the last time and rock him to sleep. I know this may be a ad habit, but I love getting to rock him. I really think he could take or leave the paci. Sometimes he chomps on it, but most of the time he prefers to suck on his wrists or hands. His whole sleeve will be wet with drool by the time he's soothed himself to sleep. He is starting to take some naps in his bed; otherwise, he naps on the couch on the side of his head.   Here's some recent pictures:
Presley sleeps with all of these princess dolls in her bed, along with Minnie Mouse (a given) and her owl blanket from Aunt Tippy.  The dolls often look like there was a fight in the bed...
 He does SO well with tummy time... 

We went to Birmingham last weekend and went to the circus with the family and Charelette's family. It was a lot of fun! Presley loved it! She's starting to drop her naps (only napping 3 days a week) and had to skip it this day to get there on time.  She started jumping and dancing like crazy when it first started. 
 What 2 month old wouldn't want to go to the circus!?! He did great except when he needed to eat, the noise was a little much. Otherwise, he slept through most of the circus.
My sweet chubby boy! 


Kerry Hegele said...

David is so cute Rachel! I love the tummy time pics, sounds like he's doing great and Presley is adjusting well.

Ashley and Matt Sheehan said...

man I love blogs and being able to see them (sigh) grow up in pictures.. both are so so cute. He is such a sweetheart baby.

Anonymous said...

Presley you are the prettiest princess! Baby David you are too precious. Miss you both so so much. Love mallie

Anonymous said...

Who blew up the baby!!!?